Editorial enquiries and any material intended for publication should be sent to the Editor:
Mark Nicholson
Five Acres

Deadline for items for next issue 15th March 2002. Publication date 21st May 2002.

Every care will be taken with manuscripts or photographs but no responsibility can be accepted for lost or damaged items.

The views expressed by the contributors to this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Cornwall Wildlife Trust.

Copyright 2002 Cornwall Wildlife Trust


The otter. What better symbol of what we have to lose if we mistreat our water and wetlands - and what better symbol of the progress which we and our partners in conservation are making?
Photo: Mike Read

Wildlife enquiries to:
Nic Harrison-White
(01872) 240777 ext 213
Adult membership enquiries to:
Andrea Toy
(01872) 240777 ext 203
Junior membership enquiries to:
Jayne Herbert
(01872) 240777 ext 215
General enquiries to:
The Administrator, Cornwall Wildlife Trust, Five Acres, Allet, Truro, TR4 9DJ
Design and origination by:
Sheila McCann


In this spring issue we return, as we must do regularly, to the subject of those most fragile, threatened and essential (to wildlife and to people) elements of wild Cornwall, our fresh water and wetlands. Suffice it to say that poor protection for these habitats brings us floods, droughts and ill health, as well as the loss of some of our finest natural surroundings and species.

Our members, supporters and staff have been active over many years in defending nature against destruction and mistreatment, as the recent examples highlighted in this magazine will show. In fact, from May 2002 we will be celebrating forty years of this work - surely a major cause for celebration.

As we continually emphasise, the Cornwall Wildlife Trust and its positive effect on this area's environment would not exist without you. We hope your magazine is fulfilling its purposes of keeping you in touch with the work you are supporting, helping you to explore the nature of Cornwall and offering ideas for action. We have now added a few more pages and a lot more colour to Wild Cornwall but rest assured that this has been achieved at no extra cost and that we are still using environmentally friendly paper. If you have any comments or suggestions regarding Wild Cornwall, please get in touch - we would like to hear from you.

Mark Nicholson