A Handbook for Biological Recorders has been designed to help people who are interested in recording the plants and animals they see in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, including in the waters around our coast. The handbook begins with some introductory sections about recording in general: what and how to record; how to take a grid reference; how to design a recording study; and what you should do with records once you have collected them. The majority of the handbook then goes on to deal with individual plant and animal groups. The species covered include many different groups from fungi, lichens, byrophytes and vascular plants, through a wide range of invertebrates, to fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. The last seven sections deal with various aspects of marine recording, covering groups such as marine fish, seals, whales and dolphins. The handbook has been designed in a loose-leaf format within an A4 folder by the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Federation of Biological Recorders (CISFBR) and the Records Centre. It is available from the Records Centre, priced at £12.00 (or £10.00 if you are a member of CISFBR) plus £4.70 postage and packing.
There are various special interest recording groups within Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, many of which were set up with the elements of recording and monitoring particular species and their associated habitats in mind. These include the Cornwall Bat Group, Cornwall Mammal Group, Cornwall Butterfly Conservation and Cornwall Bird Watching and Preservation Society, to name but a few (contact details for groups can be obtained from ERCCIS).
The Environmental Records Centre for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (ERCCIS) acts as a focus for the collation, management and provision of local wildlife and geological information. It was set up in 1997 and builds on the tremendous work of the Cornish Biological Records Unit and the Data Management Unit of the Cornwall Wildlife
bio recorders handbook
Trust. Information about species, habitats and sites is collected mainly by volunteer specialists and sent to the Records Centre where it is checked for accuracy and entered into the computer database in a standard format. Anyone can ask us at the Records Centre for information relating to the wildlife and geology of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Increasingly the database is being used to answer enquiries about the presence of certain species at particular localities, or the range of locations where a species has been found, and to evaluate the status of species and the importance of individual sites in relation to the rest of the county and the islands.
ERCCIS can help you by:  
· providing you with information about the wildlife in your local patch;
· putting you in touch with the appropriate
individual, group or organisation for a
particular species, habitat or other interest;
· providing information on the whereabouts
and distribution of a particular species
within Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly;
· providing a place to research a particular
natural history or conservation topic using
our reference books, journals and other
sources of information;
· providing training in the identification of
particular species; to date we have run
workshops on ferns and brambles, and how
to survey for semi-aquatic mammals (signs
along the river bank);
· providing information and advice on
different computer software to help with
storing and using the records you collect;
· keeping you up to date with the activities of
the Records Centre through our biannual
newsletter, Kovadha Kernow; if you would
like to receive a copy (free of charge)
please contact us.
WHAT you saw
Common name: .............................................................. Scientific name: ................................................................ Number seen: ..................................................................
WHERE you saw it
Location name: ................................................................ (please give site name or closest landmark)
Grid reference: ................................................................
Habitat: .............................................................................
WHEN you saw it
Date: ..................................................................................
Time of day: .....................................................................
WHO you are!
Your name(s): ...................................................................
Your address: ................................................................... Your telephone number: ...............................................
Would you like to receive a copy of our Records Centre newsletter (free of charge)? Yes/No
Wild Cornwall - Issue No.84 - Spring 2001