Above and right: Natural sculptures at Kemyel Crease. Photos'. Jonathan Middlemiss

Left: Jonathan Middlemiss working on his stick sculpture at Trelissick Gardens 2002. Photo supplied by Jonathan Middlemiss

  Sculpture by Jonathan Middlemiss
Above: Sculpture by Jonathan Middlemiss

alongside an independent exhibition of Jonathan's paintings, including work on sale to raise funds for the Trust.

Selling art work to generate funds for nature reserve management is fairly novel although not as unique as buying an old nature reserve sign to give to your wife as a wedding anniversary present. This actually happened at Kemyel Crease when a friend from our German partners NABU, Rudiger, made a donation to the Trust for the sign to give to his wife Heike.

The Trust's main aim for managing this site is always to retain some tree cover and in recent years new planting has taken place. This work should ensure that 'The Trees' will remain an important landmark and inspiration for a long time to come.

Callum Deveney

Directions - on foot only. It is a walk of 1.5km from where the coastal path leaves the road south ofMousehole.