Magazine of the Cornwall Wildlife Trust ...........No 72 Spring 1997


Habitat Appeal
Mear Lake
From the conservation office
Cornwall Life Project
The Harvest Mouse
How to ...... make a pond.
Special interest groups - Part 1
Dairy of events
Special interest groups - Part 2
Kay marches for wildlife
Branch news
Education and publicity
from Amazon to aquarium
Nature notes
Reserves report
Practical Action on Reserves in Cornwall (PARC)
List of Staff, Officers and Sections
Front Cover
Back Cover

Membership enquiries to: Andrea Toy, Five Acres, Allet, Truro, TR4 9DJ.

General enquiries to: The Administrator, Five Acres, Allet, Truro, TR4 9DJ.
E-mail: cornwt@cix.compulink.co.uk

Tel +44 (0)1872 273939Fax +44 (0)1872 225476
Repro: Picture House & BJ Press Ltd.

Printed by BJ Press Ltd - Truro 222110 - on behalf of the Cornwall Wildlife Trust.

Wild Cornwall is printed on recycled paper.
This web-edition uses no extra paper

Copyright 1996 Cornwall Wildlife Trust. Opinions expressed by authors and services offered by advertisers are not specifically endorsed by the Trust. The Editor reserves the right to refuse or withdraw advertisements at his discretion and does not accept liability for clerical or printer's errors, although every care is taken to avoid mistakes. Advertisements in Wild Cornwall are accepted by the Cornwall Wildlife Trust only on the understanding that the advertisers warrant that the advertisements do not contravene the Trade Descriptions Act 1968, the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and the Business Advertisements (Disclosune) Order 1977 and conform to the British Code of Advertising Practice.


Our spotlight this spring will be on marshes, wet meadows and heaths, bogs, river banks, and the fringes of ponds and lakes - in other words, our freshwater wetlands.
Your magazine details a number of ways in which the Trust is seeking their protection, including species and habitat monitoring, advising landowners and planning authorities, raising public awareness, and restoring or extending sites. There is also a more obvious Trust approach to weti and conservation - that of acquiring sites and managing them as nature reserves.
Initial indications from the Cornwall LIFE Project on loss of the county's most important wildlife sites shows that wetlands have been hit particularly hard. These natural assets are irreplaceable, and yet they continue to be destroyed in spite of 5551 and other conservation designations.
The only way we can guarantee the welfare of such areas in the long term is to hold them as nature reserves - hence the Trust's Habitat Appeal. The response of members so far has been tremendous, and will inspire a large total from other sources. Well done, and do please continue to give us your support.

Mark Nicholson


for the next issue of Wild Cornwall

15th March 1997

Editorial enquiries and any material
intended for publication should be
sent to the Editor:
Mark Nicholson
Five Acres, Allet
Truro, TR4 9DJ.

E-mail: cornwt@cix.compulink.co.uk

Every care will be taken with manuscripts or photographs but no responsibility can he accepted for lost or damaged items.

The views expressed by the contributors to this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Cornwall Wildlife Trust.

Officers, Staff and Sections- - Habitat Appeal