Cornwall LIFE Project

The project is now at a cntical stage. All system development is complete and we are working hard on the final data capture exercise - the creation of a 1995 land- cover map. This will allow us to measure and analyse changes in wildlife habitat, and will underpin all uses of the system.

A delay in the provision of aerial photographs from the sub-contractor - they should have been available by the end of 1995 - means that the overall project has been delayed. It will now run until the end of July 1997, and this has been approved by the European Commission.


Data capture, checking and editing

Work on data is now focusing on creating the 1995 land-cover map. This will allow Fund-raising us to analyse land-cover change and therefore identify loss of wildlife habitat to agriculture and development.


Customising the system

Cornwall County Council is replicating the customisation of our GIS in another system, called Arc/Info. This is the mosl widely used GIS in the world, and will allow us to promote our work more widely to other organisations and partnerships.


New aerial photographs

A complete set of aerial photographs for 1995/6 is now available, and is being used to produce the 1995 land-cover map Reference copies of the photographs are available for inspection at New County Hall in Truro, and additional prints can ordered for purchase. Contact Mike Tippett on (01872) 322000.


Uses of the system

With the new land-cover map in production, the analysis of habitat change will be complete later this year. Once this is done it will be possible to complete the range of applications originally specified to the European Commission. These were: analysis of semi-natural habitat loss; contribution to the development plan process (including support for definition of policy areas and support for searching on development proposals); and nature conservation overview I positive nature conservation guidelines (including analysis of protected areas and targeting of agricultural extensification grants for habitat restoration and management).

The project will conclude in 1997 with a seminar and publication of a series of reports providing details of these uses of the system.


Christopher Howe


Fund - raising

High and Wild
27th/28th July


The High and Wild fair is over, much to the relief of those who have endured so much hardship and stress in bringing it about.

The unfamiliarity of a new site conspired with poor weather on the Sunday to reduce attendance and profit from previous levels, (figures will be calculated in due course), but in every other way it was a great success. All agreed that it was the best ever fair in terms of entertainment and organisation, and a tremendous showpiece for the Trust.

Many thanks are due to the hundreds of volunteers and staff who worked so hard to achieve this, but in particular to Jo Pagan - without Jo's efforts it simply wouldn't have happened.


Mark Nicholson

Giant insects were among the huge range of interesting features, activities ,and entertainments at High ond Wild.
Girl & Giant insect
Photo by courtesy of the Bug Club (Exeter university)

Goodbye Jo

The Trust is sad to say goodbye to Fund raising Assistant Jo Pagan, who has been with us for a year as part of her marketing degree course. The success of High and Wild, as well as various other marketing initiatives, owes much to Jo's hard work. We wish her every success.


Mark Nicholson

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