Drift Dam - St Just - Lamorna

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One kicking off spot can be the car park at Drift Dam. Choosing the anti-clockwise route takes you through the rougher open country followed by the lusher south coast on the last stretch.
( The first potential diversion is to the little iron age settlement of Carn Euny with its fogou. The turning is left just before Sancreed.)
Climbing steadily you past the water divide after Grumbla and then views of Land's End, the Wolf Rock lighthouse and on a clear day the Isles of Scilly appear. The road is down hill and quickly brings you to the first left turn which is to Dowran.
( The second diversion is to pop in to St Just.)
After Dowran the route joins the St Ives - Land's End road and passes the Land's End airfield which has a small cafe. First left after the airfield takes you back across the water divide and it is then down hill to St Buryan. St Buryan has a shop and pub. After joining the B3315 it is worth visting the Merry Maidens stone circle and time permiting The Pipers - The Pipers standing stones.
( The final diversion is to visit Lamorna Cove which has a seasonal cafe and Lamorna Wink pub.)
I am not sure what the traffic is like in the summer on this section of the route (B3315). In the spring and autumn traffic is reasonably light. After Sheffield you turn left and return to the car park at Drift.

Cycling in Cornwall